Financial Health Improvement Advisory
Capital structure and cashflow related challenges most often are the reasons for under-performance of businesses. Vivan Business Consultants provide a thorough approach to stabilising such businesses by identifying opportunities for operational, organisational and financial change and to achieve positive outcomes. We help establish solid ground for a turnaround by assessing your financial position and creating a suitable health improvement plan.
Vivan’s team of specialists helps you focus on the key questions as you navigate a corporate restructuring to achieve sustainable, operational and financial change. We work closely with you on the following steps:
Ascertaining current financial health – profitability, capital structure, liquidity & working capital management, debt protection metrics
Identifying strengths and areas of improvement.
Setting SMART goals.
Defining a practical and dynamic plan to achieving the goals with set milestones and deadlines.
Periodically reviewing progress and tweaking the plan, if required.